Friday, April 22, 2011

{one blessed girl}

I really do have to apologize for not posting in 2 weeks! That's a long time!
But I really haven't had much time for any crafting!
However, things are slowing down.....slowly! :)
Yesterday I was so extremely blessed to be able to get this camera! I am ecstatic! I have wanted a nice camera because as you may have read on my other blog.....I want to do photography professionally! So, hopefully this can get me on the right track!

I think these pictures prove how amazing this camera is!

I am really impressed with the quality of the pictures, and how user-friendly it is!

I am just so thankful that this blessing was sent my way! God loves his children and even though we never deserve it he sends us blessings! Just to remind us how good and gracious he is!
Thank you Lord.......and thank you Mom & Dad! :)


Kellie said...

Awww.... love you B! Happy camera clicking!

Eleanor said...

Wow, what a camera!!!!!! Amazing!!!! *clapping* Can't wait to see more pictures!!

(Thanks for taking my suggestion, fry-end!) :D